8:00 am - 8:45 am Registration and Coffee

8:45 am - 8:50 am Welcome Address: Anna Andrews, Content Director, WBR

8:50 am - 9:00 am Chairperson's Opening Remarks

Driving Customer-Centric Branch Transformation

9:00 am - 9:20 am Opening Keynote: The Virgin Money story: How has the UK’s largest challenger bank retained its brand and unique branch experience amidst business restructuring

Ø  How can you best track the latest trends in consumer behaviour to create banking products and services to improve customer engagement and retention?
Ø  Leveraging consumer data: How can you better store, manage and analyse customer data to launch successful new banking experiences and services based on actionable insights?
Ø  How can you create a personalised customer experience across your banking channels and products to remain relevant to all of your different customer segments?
Ø  How can you identify which banking channel your different customer segments are migrating to and identify pain points to transform the experience for customers’ on their preferred channel?
Fergus Murphy, Group Retail Director at Virgin Money UK

Fergus Murphy

Group Retail Director
Virgin Money UK

9:20 am - 9:40 am Fire-side Chat: The future is opti-channel: How can you make a transition from channel-centric to customer-centric banking to provide real value-add to your customer base and boost brand loyalty?

Ø  The optimum banking channels for your customer: How can you best analyse the customer journey to understand the optimum channels for your different client segments to deliver a best in class CX?
Ø  How to leverage digitally-driven capabilities to better engage with customers in their chosen channel and deliver a greater experience that solves their needs
Ø  How to build the infrastructure and capabilities needed to identify which channel is the most suitable and cost efficient for different customers’
Ø  Keeping pace with today’s consumer: How to integrate digital platforms into legacy systems to improve management and delivery of cross-channel customer journeys with connected information
Kate Nightingale, Founder at Style Psychology

Kate Nightingale

Style Psychology

9:40 am - 10:00 am Spotlight on Innovation: Putting communities at the heart of your banking strategy: How can you use your branch network as a key marketing touchpoint to better engage local customers and increase brand recognition and loyalty?

Ø  How can you launch in-branch programmes that support the local community to provide real solutions for your customers and drive new customers to your bank?
Ø  Securing internal buy-in:  How can you build a compelling business case for new in-branch initiatives to gain investment from the board and better serve your local customer base?
Ø  How can you recruit and develop a lean team of cross-functional practitioners to succeed in your branch redesign and network expansion programme?
Ø  Thriving on the high-street: How to build a branch expansion strategy in key locations to drive greater customer advocacy and provide your business with a competitive advantage?
Ø  Designing for the community: How to develop engaging in-branch concepts and services that support customer conversations, drive loyalty and boost commercial outcomes
Stuart Miller, Group Board Director & Chief Customer Officer at Newcastle Building Society

Stuart Miller

Group Board Director & Chief Customer Officer
Newcastle Building Society

10:00 am - 10:40 am Panel Discussion: A view from the top: How can you evolve and modernise distribution models to better engage, acquire and retain customers to keep ahead of the curve in today’s competitive market?

Ø  How can you experiment with new models and strategies to build relevant services for your millennial customer base and fend off competition from Neobanks, whilst maintaining your older customer base?
Ø  Leveraging partnerships to drive true transformation: How can you build partnerships with FinTech’s to help transform your in-branch experience and improve identify and verification processes?
Ø  Building digital banking entities: Should banks look to build digital banking services on top of their core platform, or should they acquire digital banks which sit separate from the business?
Ø  Transforming legacy structures: How to breakdown internal silos and build an agile distribution management team to enable a more holistic approach to CX in retail banking
Christopher Dean, Managing Director - Head of Distribution at Barclays

Christopher Dean

Managing Director - Head of Distribution

Paula Rowntree, Head of Branch Formats & Design at Lloyds Banking Group

Paula Rowntree

Head of Branch Formats & Design
Lloyds Banking Group

Federico Napoli, Head of Marketing & Products at BuddyBank

Federico Napoli

Head of Marketing & Products

Rupert Rieder, Head of Retail at Erste Bank Austria

Rupert Rieder

Head of Retail
Erste Bank Austria

Patrick Farrell, Director of Retail Banking at Permanent TSB

Patrick Farrell

Director of Retail Banking
Permanent TSB

10:40 am - 11:10 am Morning Break

10:40 am - 11:10 am Be Inspired Innovation Theatre: Future-proofing customer identification and verification: What new identity authentication solutions are on the market to help automate processes whilst improving fraud prevention?

Live product demos that will accelerate your branch transformation plans  
Take 10 minutes out of your break to join this live demonstration on how pioneering companies are solving the ID&V challenge. Panini will introduce their innovative identity authentication and data capture software platform that prevents fraud in seconds while streamlining workflows. ValidātID authenticates customers during new account openings and verifies existing companies before transactions at the tellers level. 
Jessica Back, Marketing Communications Manager at Panini

Jessica Back

Marketing Communications Manager

Blending Digital and Physical Channels

11:10 am - 11:30 am Spotlight on Innovation: The Latest in Consumer Trends: How can banks create greater impact with their branch network to boost customer sentiment?

Ø  The role of the branch in today’s experience economy: How can the physical channel best reflect your banks brand and deliver a meaningful experience?
Ø  Utilising the branch as a marketing tool: what role does the branch play in shaping people’s perceptions of a bank’s brand?
Ø  How to utilise data and analytics to connect with customers on a more personalised level?
Angela Vanderburg, VP Strategy & Research at SCALA QDivision

Angela Vanderburg

VP Strategy & Research
SCALA QDivision

11:30 am - 11:50 am Spotlight on Innovation: Respecting legacy as we embark on a digital journey: How to build and scale digital propositions across your bank at speed to defend market share against Neo banks

Ø  How can you better evaluate players in the Neo Bank marketplace to map out current digital banking services and launch innovative, customer-centric digital solutions in a crowded market?
Ø  Leaving legacy behind: How should you position a digital-only bank alongside your established bank and physical network to drive greater brand continuity and increase simplicity for your customers?
Ø  How can you ignite a start-up mind-set across the business to driver greater innovation whilst operating within the constraints of legacy systems and strict regulations?
Ø  How can you evolve your risk landscape to be able to keep pace with growing business needs, adapt to the digital age and increased expectations from a wide range of stakeholders
Ø  How can you embed new age thinking while retaining years of sophisticated knowhow and lessons from past mistakes
Vinita Ramtri, Head of Risk at HSBC Kinetic

Vinita Ramtri

Head of Risk
HSBC Kinetic

Driving Cross Industry Collaboration

11:50 am - 12:20 pm Panel Discussion: Stronger together: How can the banking industry collaborate on white label projects to improve the customer experience in financial services whilst driving down costs?

Ø  What are the key benefits for collaboration between banks and operating in the same branch spaces and what are the potential impacts on brand equity?
Ø  Building flexibility into branch operations: How is customer demand influencing the way banks operate and is consolidation needed to offer flexible and convenient services?
Ø  The cash-less society: Is the future of cash under threat and how can you re-think ATM infrastructures and the relocation of cash services to protect isolated communities and meet societal responsibilities?
Ø  Rethinking cash distribution: How are banks working together to deliver joined up ATM operations that drive down costs and tackle security threats?
Adriaan Tijl, Head of Centre of Expertise Cash at ING

Adriaan Tijl

Head of Centre of Expertise Cash

Marit Gartland, Market and Sales Strategist at Evry

Marit Gartland

Market and Sales Strategist

Bart van de Sandde, Director of Transaction Banking at ABN AMRO

Bart van de Sandde

Director of Transaction Banking

Erik Kwakkel, CEO at Geldmaat

Erik Kwakkel


Delivering a Connected Banking Experience

12:20 pm - 12:40 pm Spotlight on Innovation: Building a connected banking approach: How to leverage data analytics to deliver a truly frictionless experience across all customer touchpoints

Ø  Taking a connected approach to the banking experience: How can you derive actionable insights from customer data to build tailored interactions with customers across each touchpoint to improve the CX and increase customer retention rates?
Ø  How to move away from monolithic systems and embrace new applications and platforms to satisfy customer needs with real-time solutions?
Ø  Embracing the micro service architecture movement: How to layer micro services on top of your core banking system to  reduce operating costs, increase workflows and transform your customer offering
Ø  Turning data into insight: How to manage customer data to enable effective analysis and next best action information to improve the customer journey
Maurice Lisi, Head of Multichannel & CRM at Intesa Sanpaolo

Maurice Lisi

Head of Multichannel & CRM
Intesa Sanpaolo

12:40 pm - 1:40 pm Networking Lunch

12:40 pm - 1:40 pm Lunch Masterclass: Branches for Good Think Tank: Establishing greater alignment between CSR initiatives and your branch network

Transforming Employee Experience - Re-imagining The Role of the Teller

1:40 pm - 2:00 pm Case Study: Getting the human vs tech balance right: How to determine which in-branch functionalities should be automated and which still need the personal advisor touch to provide a best in class CX
Ø  Balancing automation and human interaction: How to identify in-branch processes where  technology can offer greater value with increased automation to free up employee time to focus on supporting customers
Ø  Setting colleagues up for success: How can you launch effective training programmes to increase in-branch employee’s capabilities with digital tools to provide a seamless experience for your customers?
Ø  The dangers of digitisation of in-branch services: How can you re-think your branch network footprint to ensure you are meeting the requirements of our ageing population?
George Kostopoulos, Head of Customer Innovation at Piraeus Bank

George Kostopoulos

Head of Customer Innovation
Piraeus Bank

Transforming Employee Experience - Re-imagining The Role of the Teller

2:00 pm - 2:20 pm Case Study: Combining innovation with a human-first approach: How can you launch and scale the video banking channel to support customers with advice from your mobile workforce?
Ø  Balancing digitization and human interaction: How to identify processes where video banking can offer greater value with increased automation to free up employee time to focus on supporting customers
Ø  Overcoming agent adoption challenges: How to build an effective training programme to ensure advisors are fully equipped to deliver video banking requests
Ø  How to integrate the video banking channel into your omni-channel strategy for a seamless customer journey
Ø  How to integrate this technology with the CRM system in order to leverage customer data 

Ferdinand Royackers, Video Banking Specialist at 24Sessions

Ferdinand Royackers

Video Banking Specialist

Transforming Employee Experience - Re-imagining The Role of the Teller

2:20 pm - 2:40 pm Case Study: Implementing branch network reorganisation: How to define and create universal in-branch roles to reduce costs and improve the customer experience
Ø  Building agile mind-sets: How can you better train your in-branch colleagues and implement new, agile ways of working to overcome legacy mind-sets?
Ø  How to work with HR to review your recruitment processes to attract the right skill-sets into your business and cater for today’s complex customer
Ø  Showcasing employee success stories: How can you use real-life examples of how employees have thrived with ways of working to successfully secure buy-in from your wider workforce?
Ø  Bridging the HQ and branch network divide: How to ensure the business are on board and support branch network reorganisation
Ivan Ivanov, Director of Retail Banking at Bulgarian American Credit Bank

Ivan Ivanov

Director of Retail Banking
Bulgarian American Credit Bank

Transforming Employee Experience - Re-imagining The Role of the Teller

2:40 pm - 3:00 pm Case Study: From teller to seller: How to equip your workforce with new skillsets and cross-product knowledge to transform the customer experience whilst driving down headcount
Ø  Building cross-product knowledge: How to provide the right training programmes to enable advisors to be experts across your multi-product portfolio
Ø  How to implement new solutions and technology to reduce waiting times and improve the customer experience
Ø  Modernising the traditional teller role: How to develop and roll out training schemes to upskill tellers to sellers with comprehensive product knowledge
Mehmet Soytorun, Group Manager for Change Management & Service Quality at Denzibank

Mehmet Soytorun

Group Manager for Change Management & Service Quality

Transforming Employee Experience - Re-imagining The Role of the Teller

3:00 pm - 3:40 pm Case Study Interactive: Combining corporate culture and Artificial Intelligence: How to augment an agile workforce using AI to increase value adding time spent with customers
Ø  Achieving high performance rates in a high-turnover environment: How can you ensure good customer service and reduce employee churn?
Ø  Transforming branch availability: How to build greater flexibility into employee working hours to meet customer needs, support your staffing requirements and operate more efficiently?
Ø  Building agile mind-sets: how to build a culture of agile and customer-centric mind-sets in a digital environment
Ø  How to leverage technology to free up advisors time so they can build more meaningful relationships with customers
Malin Lignell, VP Digitalisation & Innovation at Hanselsbanken

Malin Lignell

VP Digitalisation & Innovation

Redefining Customer Journeys - Building Customer Interaction Models

1:40 pm - 2:20 pm Case Study Interactive: Creating a 360˚customer view: How to use current and historical consumer data to anticipate future customer needs
Ø  Starting from scratch: What are the key considerations and objectives when looking to undergo a CRM overhaul?
Ø  Succeeding with customer journey mapping: How to understand customers channel preferences to help improve internal processes and delivery of services to transform your customer offering
Ø  Overcoming data fragmentation: How can you best collect and connect customer information from all touchpoints to analyse and optimise the customer journey?
Ø  How to gather information from a variety of data sources to better track customer behaviour and preferences to enable tailored communications
Jonathan Caruana, Chief Technology Officer at APS Bank

Jonathan Caruana

Chief Technology Officer
APS Bank

Redefining Customer Journeys - Building Customer Interaction Models

2:20 pm - 3:00 pm Case Study Interactive: Overcoming customer pain points across the end-to-end banking journey: How to build a connected banking platform that provides a frictionless cross-channel customer experience
Ø  How to identify friction points across your customer touchpoints to improve identification and verification processes online and in-branch and create a connected banking experience for your customers’
Ø  What are the key steps you need to take to overcome legacy IT infrastructures and siloed data pools to empower all departments with 360˚ customer information?
Ø  How can you best integrate branch systems, digital channels and mobile apps to enable seamless customer journeys?
Ø  How to deliver intuitive customer interactions that are seamlessly connected across physical and digital touchpoints
Craig Hughes, Chief Enterprise Architect at Danske Bank

Craig Hughes

Chief Enterprise Architect
Danske Bank

Redefining Customer Journeys - Building Customer Interaction Models

3:00 pm - 3:40 pm Case Study Interactive: Making mobile central to the in-branch banking experience: How can you provide in-branch services that are a natural extension of the smartphone?
Ø  How can you build a smartphone micro-servicing layer into your banking infrastructure in a secure way?
Ø  How to ensure a seamless user interface and customer experience when building connected services between mobile and  in-branch
Ø  Smoothing the fractious relationship between mobile and branch: How to overcome technology barriers to ensure customers’ mobile applications are picked up in branch
Ø  Defining the mobile metrics that matter: How to determine the best app on-boarding experience to boost customer engagement and attribution whilst reducing churn
Halil Ozcan, Digital Banking Director at TEB

Halil Ozcan

Digital Banking Director

Rethinking Branch Experience * Open to a maximum of 30 attendees*

1:40 pm - 3:00 pm Creative Boardroom: Re-imagining the purpose of the branch: How to develop and implement a new Flagship concept which increases branch revenue and customer satisfaction
Ø  How can you define the purpose of the branch in today’s digital world and optimise your network as an effective sales and  marketing  channel to support the wider business
Ø  Mapping out creative concepts: How to build and scale  a branch transformation plan for international and regional branch formats to best meet the needs of  local customer markets
Ø  Building a multi-functional flagship store: How can you offer free services and customer spaces in-branch to support the local community whilst   increasing footfall, dwelling time and customer engagement?
Ø  How to combine core banking functions with customer-centric spaces to meet the needs of the customer of tomorrow
Pierre Kreins, Branch Concepts Product Owner at ING

Pierre Kreins

Branch Concepts Product Owner

Driving Connected Banking Excellence * Open to a maximum of 15 Heads of Retail & Branch Banking *

1:40 pm - 2:40 pm Leadership Boardroom: Driving in-branch innovation and profitability: How to design innovative formats and increase in-branch automation to improve CX
Ø  Redefining the branch operating model: How to rethink the purpose of your branch to optimise efficiencies and enhance customer experience
Ø  Bridging the human and digital divide: How to develop a training roadmap to change people and roles
Ø  How to deliver Branch Personalisation through truly understanding customer segmentation
Christopher Dean, Managing Director - Head of Distribution at Barclays

Christopher Dean

Managing Director - Head of Distribution

4:10 pm - 4:30 pm Oxford-Style Debate: TRUE or FALSE: With the continued rise of mobile banking, the physical branch will die out in the next 5 years

Secure your front row seat as the conference room turns into a debate forum. Choose your position in the opening audience vote and then engage with industry experts as they present their motions, question the opposition, defend their point of view and conclude with their closing statements. Ultimately, the power is in your hands as you decide who delivered a knockout argument and claims debate victory; will your opinion change by the closing vote?
David Taylor, Chief Marketing Officer at BABB

David Taylor

Chief Marketing Officer

Jamie Broadbent, Head of Digital & Innovation at Royal Bank of Scotland

Jamie Broadbent

Head of Digital & Innovation
Royal Bank of Scotland

4:30 pm - 4:50 pm Spotlight on Innovation: Putting culture, colleagues and customers front and centre: How to reinvent the branch experience

Ø  The creative process behind the redesign of a flagship store: How to develop a storyboard to sell the idea and branch transformation plans to the senior leadership team
Ø  Designing for societal change: How to develop a new branch concept that will have a positive impact on the local community
Ø  Breaking down barriers with the fintech community: How to build a collaborative, multi-purpose space and the impact on culture, colleagues and customers 
Ø  Understanding the numbers: How to report back to the board on the success of a new branch concept to win future investment
Aisling Press, Head of Branch Banking at Danske Bank

Aisling Press

Head of Branch Banking
Danske Bank

4:50 pm - 5:20 pm Fintech Dragons’ Den: Hear from 3 of the latest FinTech start-ups and determine who is best placed to drive exceptional customer experiences across your banking channels and blow your competition out of the water

Live Polling 
Join our industry dragons and assess the latest innovations as start-up companies pitch their tech in a bid to win first place. Listen up as the dragons review the technologies’ benefits to your business, predict their future success and deliver their verdicts. The ultimate decision is in your hands though, as the audience get to vote for their favourite. Will you find the next big thing?

Sofia Ericsson Holm, Head of Strategic Partnerships & Open Banking at Nordea

Sofia Ericsson Holm

Head of Strategic Partnerships & Open Banking

5:20 pm - 5:40 pm Spotlight on Innovation: Orchestrating company-wide cultural change: How to drive mind-set shifts to empower employees in embracing new ways of working for the benefit of the customer

Ø  The role of the branch in the omni-channel mix: What role should the branch network play in a modern distribution model to improve customer satisfaction whilst reducing operating costs?
Ø  Empowering employees through self-organisation: How to change mind-sets and behaviours of in-branch colleagues to support an agile and autonomous way of working?
Ø  Breaking  traditions: How to incentivise employees to shift their attitudes and capabilities from transaction-led to customer focused deliverables
Ø  Rethinking your physical footprint: Key considerations to branch network consolidation and what alternative methods are available to customers?
Klaas Ariaans, Managing Director, Personal Banking at ABN AMRO

Klaas Ariaans

Managing Director, Personal Banking

5:40 pm - 5:45 pm Chairperson's Closing Remarks

5:45 pm - 6:45 pm Networking Drinks Reception

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